Justine Korson

| Writer | Reader | Procrastinator |


Justine writes for the girls, gays, himbos and theys! She writes in the YA genre, contemporary, romance, Sc-fi, and fantasy. Justine also dabbles in speculative, dystopian and thriller fiction! When she's not writing she spends her days reading, teaching kiddos, and baking.

Works In Progress

Five Courts of Fae Duology: When 17yo Althea is kidnapped by the Fae she meets a grandfather she never knew she had, a fiance she never wanted and wields magic she can't control.

Of Magic and Mayhem: Ria doesn't duel anymore so why did an invitation arrive for Duelist Island New Atlantis?

Blood of the Covenant: Queen Adrastia will stop at nothing to kill King Halcyon even if it means loosing her magic and her sanity along the way.

Summer Lovin': Danny is gay and the only person who knows this is supposed to be halfway around the world. But after an unforgettable summer, Steph enrolls at Danny's high school.

Frat Boy Book Club: That last person Analyn Ocampo thought she'd see at her Book Club was the infamous Frat Boy Parker Tran.

1,001 Lives: It's the 21st century and Renée Aquino's reincarnated lover has returned as Nayeli Ortiz and she finally, finally, remembers their many lives together.

They Told Her To Beware The Ides: When Jillian Caesar is found dead, the blame is pinned on her long time academic rival and former best friend Marcia June Brutus.